Well where to start, Ive been playing this game from the beginning in its first year the game was great, and the funny thing is it was in the top 100 apps for highest grossing games, I have no idea where it is now but do know that its not in the top 100 any longer, my only conclusion is the continued abuse of its gamers by tap4fun by hiking up prices, allow people to get hacked , allow 3rd party software to give certain players unfair advantages, the lack of support, I could go on but you get the point lol, my conclusion is this , this latest update is not only 10 steps backwards more like 20 or 30! Logic would dictate tap4fun if you were making more money with a version of this game 2 years ago why not go back to it ? No instead you will continue to kill the few loyal to you well I believe youve delivered the fatal blow its been fun GE heres to the death of a great game.
All the reviews with more then 1 star are defiantly tap employees lol, dont download this game or any other by t4fun it will bring you nothing but frustration possibly theft or the loss of your hard earned money
Prophet67890352:;) about Galaxy Empire: Evolved